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ViewportStatusFlags Enumeration

viewport status flags

Namespace:  DXFReaderNET.Entities
Assembly:  DXFReaderNET (in DXFReaderNET.dll) Version: 20.12.2
public enum ViewportStatusFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
PerspectiveMode1 Enables perspective mode.
FrontClipping2 Enables front clipping.
BackClipping4 Enables back clipping.
UcsFollow8 Enables UCS follow.
FrontClipNotAtEye16 Enables front clip not at eye.
UcsIconVisibility32 Enables UCS icon visibility.
UcsIconAtOrigin64 Enables UCS icon at origin.
FastZoom128 Enables fast zoom.
SnapMode256 Enables snap mode.
GridMode512 Enables grid mode.
IsometricSnapStyle1024 Enables isometric snap style.
HidePlotMode2048 Enables hide plot mode.
IsoPairTop4096 If set and IsoPairRight is not set, then isopair top is enabled. If both IsoPairTop and IsoPairRight are set, then isopair left is enabled
IsoPairRight8192 If set and IsoPairTop is not set, then isopair right is enabled.
ViewportZoomLocking16384 Enables viewport zoom locking.
CurrentlyAlwaysEnabled32768 Currently always enabled.
NonRectangularClipping65536 Enables non-rectangular clipping.
ViewportOff131072 Turns the viewport off.
DisplayGridBeyondDrawingLimits262144 Enables the display of the grid beyond the drawing limits.
AdaptiveGridDisplay524288 Enable adaptive grid display.
SubdivisionGridBelowSpacing1048576 Enables subdivision of the grid below the set grid spacing when the grid display is adaptive.
See Also