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DimensionArrowhead Class

Predefined shapes for dimension style arrowheads.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DXFReaderNET.Entities
Assembly:  DXFReaderNET (in DXFReaderNET.dll) Version: 20.12.2
public static class DimensionArrowhead

The DimensionArrowhead type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberArchitecturalTick
Architectural tick arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberBox
Box arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberBoxFilled
Filled box arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberClosed
Closed arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberClosedBlank
Blank closed arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberDatumTriangle
Datum triangle arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberDatumTriangleFilled
Filled datum triangle arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberDot
Dot arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberDotBlank
Blank dot arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberDotSmall
Small dot arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberDotSmallBlank
Small blank dot arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberIntegral
Integral symbol arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberNone
Empty arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberOblique
Oblique arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberOpen
Open arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberOpen30
Open 30 degree angle arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberOpen90
Open 90 degree arrowhead (right angle arrowhead).
Public propertyStatic memberOriginIndicator
Origin indicator arrowhead.
Public propertyStatic memberOriginIndicator2
Origin indicator 2 arrowhead.
Arrowhead block names and its representation.
"" = closed filled
"_DOT" = dot
"_DOTSMALL" = dot small
"_DOTBLANK" = dot blank
"_ORIGIN" = origin indicator
"_ORIGIN2" = origin indicator 2
"_OPEN" = open
"_OPEN90" = open 90 (right angle)
"_OPEN30" = open 30
"_CLOSED" = closed
"_SMALL" = dot small blank
"_NONE" = none
"_OBLIQUE" = oblique
"_BOXFILLED" = box filled
"_BOXBLANK" = box
"_CLOSEDBLANK" = closed blank
"_DATUMFILLED" = datum triangle filled
"_DATUMBLANK" = datum triangle
"_INTEGRAL" = integral
"_ARCHTICK" = architectural tick
See Also