DXFReaderNET.Entities Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AcadProxyEntity |
Represents an ACAD proxy entity.
| |
AcadTable |
Represents a table entity.
| |
AlignedDimension |
Represents a dimension entity that is aligned the reference line.
| |
Angular2LineDimension |
Represents a 3 point angular dimension entity.
| |
Angular3PointDimension |
Represents a 3 point angular dimension entity.
| |
Arc |
Represents a circular arc entity.
| |
Attribute |
Represents a attribute entity.
| |
AttributeDefinition |
Represents an attribute definition entity.
| |
Body |
Represents a region entity.
| |
Circle |
Represents a circle entity.
| |
DatumReferenceValue |
Represents datum reference, a theoretically exact point, axis, or plane from which you make measurements and verify dimensions.
| |
DiametricDimension |
Represents a diametric dimension entity.
| |
Dimension |
Represents the base class for a dimension entity.
| |
DimensionArrowhead |
Predefined shapes for dimension style arrowheads.
| |
Ellipse |
Represents an ellipse entity.
| |
EntityObject |
Represents a generic entity.
| |
Face3D |
Represents a 3dFace entity.
| |
Hatch |
Represents a hatch entity.
| |
HatchBoundaryPath |
Represents a loop of a hatch boundaries.
| |
HatchBoundaryPathArc |
Represents an arc boundary.
| |
HatchBoundaryPathEdge |
Represents a boundary edge.
| |
HatchBoundaryPathEllipse |
Represents a ellipse boundary.
| |
HatchBoundaryPathLine |
Represents a line boundary.
| |
HatchBoundaryPathPolyline |
Represents a polyline boundary.
| |
HatchBoundaryPathSpline |
Represents a spline boundary.
| |
HatchGradientPattern |
Represents the hatch gradient pattern style.
| |
HatchPattern |
Represents a hatch pattern style.
| |
HatchPatternLineDefinition |
Defines a single line thats is part of a hatch pattern.
| |
Helix |
Represents an helix entity.
| |
Image |
Represents a raster image entity.
| |
Insert |
Represents a block insertion entity.
| |
Leader |
Represents a leader entity.
| |
Line |
Represents a line entity.
| |
LinearDimension |
Represents a linear or rotated dimension entity.
| |
LwPolyline |
Represents a light weight polyline entity.
| |
LwPolylineVertex |
Represents a LwPolyline vertex.
| |
Mesh |
Represents a mesh entity.
| |
MeshEdge |
Represents an edge of a mesh entity.
| |
MLine |
Represents a multiline entity.
| |
MLineVertex |
Represents a multiline vertex.
| |
MText |
Represents a multiline text entity.
| |
MTextFormattingOptions |
Options for the multiline text entity text formatting.
| |
Ole2Frame |
Represents a OLE binary object entity.
| |
OleFrame |
Represents a OLE binary object entity.
| |
OrdinateDimension |
Represents an ordinate dimension entity.
| |
Point |
Represents a point entity.
| |
PolyfaceMesh |
Represents a polyface mesh entity.
| |
PolyfaceMeshFace |
Represents a polyface mesh face.
| |
PolyfaceMeshVertex |
Represents a polyface mesh vertex.
| |
Polyline |
Represents a generic polyline entity.
| |
PolylineVertex |
Represents a polyline vertex.
| |
ProprietaryData |
Represents a ProprietaryData line.
| |
RadialDimension |
Represents a radial dimension entity.
| |
Ray |
Represents a ray entity.
| |
Region |
Represents a region entity.
| |
Solid |
Represents a solid entity.
| |
Solid3D |
Represents a 3D Solid entity.
| |
Spline |
Represents a spline curve entity (NURBS Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines).
| |
SplineVertex |
Represents a control point of a spline.
| |
Surface |
Represents a region entity.
| |
Text |
Represents a Text entity.
| |
Tolerance |
Represents a tolerance entity.
| |
ToleranceEntry |
Represents an entry in a tolerance entity.
| |
ToleranceValue |
Represents a tolerance, indicates the amount by which the geometric characteristic can deviate from a perfect form.
| |
Trace |
Represents a trace entity.
| |
Underlay |
Represents an underlay entity.
| |
Viewport |
Represents a view in paper space of the model.
| |
Wipeout |
Represents a wipeout entity.
| |
XLine |
Represents an extension line entity (aka construction line).
Enumeration | Description | |
AttributeFlags | Attribute flags. | |
DimensionType |
Dimension type.
| |
EntityType |
Defines the entity type.
| |
Face3DEdgeFlags |
Defines which edges are hidden.
| |
HatchBoundaryPathEdgeType |
Edge type
| |
HatchBoundaryPathTypeFlags |
Defines the boundary path type of the hatch.
| |
HatchFillType |
Hatch pattern fill type.
| |
HatchGradientPatternType |
Gradient pattern types.
| |
HatchStyle |
Hatch pattern style.
| |
HatchType |
Hatch pattern type.
| |
ImageDisplayFlags |
Image display options.
| |
LeaderPathType |
Controls the way the leader is drawn.
| |
LeaderTextVerticalPosition |
Defines the vertical position of a leader with a text annotation.
| |
MLineJustification |
| |
MTextAttachmentPoint |
Defines the multiline text attachment point.
| |
MTextFormattingOptionsTextAligment |
Text alignment options.
| |
MTextLineSpacingStyle |
MText line spacing style.
| |
OrdinateDimensionAxis |
Defines the axis that measures the ordinate dimension.
| |
PolylineSmoothType |
Defines the curves type.
| |
SplineCreationMethod |
Defines how the spline entity was created.
| |
SplineKnotParameterization |
Specifies the knot parameterization, computational methods that determines how the component curves between successive fit points within a spline are blended.
| |
TextAlignment |
Defines the text alignment.
| |
ToleranceGeometricSymbol |
Defines the geometric characteristic symbols for location, orientation, form, profile, and runout.
| |
ToleranceMaterialCondition |
Tolerance Material Condition.
| |
UnderlayDisplayFlags |
Underlay display options.
| |
ViewportStatusFlags |
viewport status flags