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DXFReaderNET.Entities Namespace

Returns a reference to a collection of DXF objects like lines, circles, arcs, etc. Each object corresponds to an entry of the Entities section (ENTITIES) of the DXF file.
Public classAcadProxyEntity
Represents an ACAD proxy entity.
Public classAcadTable
Represents a table entity.
Public classAlignedDimension
Represents a dimension entity that is aligned the reference line.
Public classAngular2LineDimension
Represents a 3 point angular dimension entity.
Public classAngular3PointDimension
Represents a 3 point angular dimension entity.
Public classArc
Represents a circular arc entity.
Public classAttribute
Represents a attribute entity.
Public classAttributeDefinition
Represents an attribute definition entity.
Public classBody
Represents a region entity.
Public classCircle
Represents a circle entity.
Public classDatumReferenceValue
Represents datum reference, a theoretically exact point, axis, or plane from which you make measurements and verify dimensions.
Public classDiametricDimension
Represents a diametric dimension entity.
Public classDimension
Represents the base class for a dimension entity.
Public classDimensionArrowhead
Predefined shapes for dimension style arrowheads.
Public classEllipse
Represents an ellipse entity.
Public classEntityObject
Represents a generic entity.
Public classFace3D
Represents a 3dFace entity.
Public classHatch
Represents a hatch entity.
Public classHatchBoundaryPath
Represents a loop of a hatch boundaries.
Public classHatchBoundaryPathArc
Represents an arc boundary.
Public classHatchBoundaryPathEdge
Represents a boundary edge.
Public classHatchBoundaryPathEllipse
Represents a ellipse boundary.
Public classHatchBoundaryPathLine
Represents a line boundary.
Public classHatchBoundaryPathPolyline
Represents a polyline boundary.
Public classHatchBoundaryPathSpline
Represents a spline boundary.
Public classHatchGradientPattern
Represents the hatch gradient pattern style.
Public classHatchPattern
Represents a hatch pattern style.
Public classHatchPatternLineDefinition
Defines a single line thats is part of a hatch pattern.
Public classHelix
Represents an helix entity.
Public classImage
Represents a raster image entity.
Public classInsert
Represents a block insertion entity.
Public classLeader
Represents a leader entity.
Public classLine
Represents a line entity.
Public classLinearDimension
Represents a linear or rotated dimension entity.
Public classLwPolyline
Represents a light weight polyline entity.
Public classLwPolylineVertex
Represents a LwPolyline vertex.
Public classMesh
Represents a mesh entity.
Public classMeshEdge
Represents an edge of a mesh entity.
Public classMLine
Represents a multiline entity.
Public classMLineVertex
Represents a multiline vertex.
Public classMText
Represents a multiline text entity.
Public classMTextFormattingOptions
Options for the multiline text entity text formatting.
Public classOle2Frame
Represents a OLE binary object entity.
Public classOleFrame
Represents a OLE binary object entity.
Public classOrdinateDimension
Represents an ordinate dimension entity.
Public classPoint
Represents a point entity.
Public classPolyfaceMesh
Represents a polyface mesh entity.
Public classPolyfaceMeshFace
Represents a polyface mesh face.
Public classPolyfaceMeshVertex
Represents a polyface mesh vertex.
Public classPolyline
Represents a generic polyline entity.
Public classPolylineVertex
Represents a polyline vertex.
Public classProprietaryData
Represents a ProprietaryData line.
Public classRadialDimension
Represents a radial dimension entity.
Public classRay
Represents a ray entity.
Public classRegion
Represents a region entity.
Public classSolid
Represents a solid entity.
Public classSolid3D
Represents a 3D Solid entity.
Public classSpline
Represents a spline curve entity (NURBS Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines).
Public classSplineVertex
Represents a control point of a spline.
Public classSurface
Represents a region entity.
Public classText
Represents a Text entity.
Public classTolerance
Represents a tolerance entity.
Public classToleranceEntry
Represents an entry in a tolerance entity.
Public classToleranceValue
Represents a tolerance, indicates the amount by which the geometric characteristic can deviate from a perfect form.
Public classTrace
Represents a trace entity.
Public classUnderlay
Represents an underlay entity.
Public classViewport
Represents a view in paper space of the model.
Public classWipeout
Represents a wipeout entity.
Public classXLine
Represents an extension line entity (aka construction line).
Public enumerationAttributeFlags
Attribute flags.
Public enumerationDimensionType
Dimension type.
Public enumerationEntityType
Defines the entity type.
Public enumerationFace3DEdgeFlags
Defines which edges are hidden.
Public enumerationHatchBoundaryPathEdgeType
Edge type
Public enumerationHatchBoundaryPathTypeFlags
Defines the boundary path type of the hatch.
Public enumerationHatchFillType
Hatch pattern fill type.
Public enumerationCode exampleHatchGradientPatternType
Gradient pattern types.
Public enumerationHatchStyle
Hatch pattern style.
Public enumerationHatchType
Hatch pattern type.
Public enumerationImageDisplayFlags
Image display options.
Public enumerationLeaderPathType
Controls the way the leader is drawn.
Public enumerationLeaderTextVerticalPosition
Defines the vertical position of a leader with a text annotation.
Public enumerationMLineJustification
Public enumerationMTextAttachmentPoint
Defines the multiline text attachment point.
Public enumerationMTextFormattingOptionsTextAligment
Text alignment options.
Public enumerationMTextLineSpacingStyle
MText line spacing style.
Public enumerationOrdinateDimensionAxis
Defines the axis that measures the ordinate dimension.
Public enumerationPolylineSmoothType
Defines the curves type.
Public enumerationSplineCreationMethod
Defines how the spline entity was created.
Public enumerationSplineKnotParameterization
Specifies the knot parameterization, computational methods that determines how the component curves between successive fit points within a spline are blended.
Public enumerationTextAlignment
Defines the text alignment.
Public enumerationToleranceGeometricSymbol
Defines the geometric characteristic symbols for location, orientation, form, profile, and runout.
Public enumerationToleranceMaterialCondition
Tolerance Material Condition.
Public enumerationUnderlayDisplayFlags
Underlay display options.
Public enumerationViewportStatusFlags
viewport status flags