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DXFReaderNETControl Methods

The DXFReaderNETControl type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbout
Displays the About Box.
Public methodCode exampleAddAlignedDimension(Line, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new aligned dimension to the current drawing giving the reference line and the position of the dimension.
Public methodAddAlignedDimension(Line, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new aligned dimension to the current drawing giving the reference line and the distance offset from the reference line.
Public methodAddAlignedDimension(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new aligned dimension to the current drawing with start point, end point and position of the dimension.
Public methodAddAlignedDimension(Vector3, Vector3, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new aligned dimension to the current drawing with start point, end point and the distance offset from the reference line.
Public methodAddAngularDimension(Arc, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new angular dimension to the current drawing giving an arc.
Public methodAddAngularDimension(Arc, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new angular dimension to the current drawing giving arc and offset.
Public methodAddAngularDimension(Line, Line, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new angular dimension to the current drawing giving two reference lines and the position.
Public methodAddAngularDimension(Line, Line, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new angular dimension to the current drawing giving two reference lines and the offeset from center point.
Public methodAddAngularDimension(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new angular dimension to the current drawing giving center point, start point and end point.
Public methodAddAngularDimension(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new angular dimension to the current drawing giving center point, start point, end point and the distance offset from the reference arc.
Public methodCode exampleAddArc(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new arc to the current drawing specifing start point, end point and a pont on arc.
Public methodAddArc(Vector3, Double, Vector3, Vector3, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new arc to the current drawing specifing center point, radius, start point and end point.
Public methodCode exampleAddArc(Vector3, Double, Double, Double, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new arc to the current drawing specifing center point, radius, start angle and end angle.
Public methodAddBlock
Adds a new block to the current drawing.
Public methodCode exampleAddCircle(Vector3, Double, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new circle to the current drawing with center and radius.
Public methodCode exampleAddCircle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new circle to the current drawing passing from three points.
Public methodAddDiametricDimension(Arc, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new diametric dimension to the current drawing giving the reference arc.
Public methodAddDiametricDimension(Circle, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new diametric dimension to the current drawing giving the reference circle.
Public methodAddDiametricDimension(Arc, Double, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new diametric dimension to the current drawing giving the reference arc.
Public methodAddDiametricDimension(Circle, Double, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new diametric dimension to the current drawing giving the reference circle.
Public methodCode exampleAddEllipse
Adds a new ellipse or elliptic arc to the current drawing.
Public methodCode exampleAddFace3D
Adds a 3D face to the current drawing.
Public methodAddGradientHatch(HatchGradientPatternType, Vector2, Int16, Int16, Double, Boolean, String)
Adds a new gradient hatch to the current drawing giving a point inside.
Public methodCode exampleAddGradientHatch(HatchGradientPatternType, ListEntityObject, ListEntityObject, Int16, Int16, Double, Boolean, String)
Adds a new gradient hatch to the current drawing.
Public methodAddHatch(HatchPattern, Vector2, Double, Double, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new hatch to the current drawing giving the pattern object.
Public methodAddHatch(String, Vector2, Double, Double, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new hatch to the current drawing giving the pattern name and a point inside.
Public methodAddHatch(HatchPattern, ListEntityObject, ListEntityObject, Double, Double, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new hatch to the current drawing giving the pattern object.
Public methodCode exampleAddHatch(String, ListEntityObject, ListEntityObject, Double, Double, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new hatch to the current drawing giving the pattern name.
Public methodAddImage
Adds a new image to the current drawing.
Public methodAddInsert
Adds a new insert entity to the current drawing.
Public methodAddLayer
Adds a new layer to the drawing.
Public methodAddLeader
Adds a new leader entity to the current drawing giving two reference points and annotation text.
Public methodCode exampleAddLightWeightPolyline
Adds a new light weight polyline to the current drawing.
Public methodAddLine(Vector3, Vector3, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new line to the current drawing.
Public methodAddLine(Vector3, Double, Double, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new line to the current drawing using polar coordinates.
Public methodAddLinearDimension(Line, Vector3, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new linear dimension to the current drawing giving the reference line.
Public methodAddLinearDimension(Line, Double, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new linear dimension to the current drawing giving the reference line.
Public methodAddLinearDimension(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new linear dimension to the current drawing with start point and end point.
Public methodAddLinearDimension(Vector3, Vector3, Double, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new linear dimension to the current drawing with start point and end point.
Public methodAddMline
Adds a new multiple parallel lines (MLINE) to the current drawing.
Public methodAddOle2Frame
Adds a new image to the current drawing as an embedded ole2frame entity.
Public methodAddPDFUnderlay
Adds a new PDF underlay to the current drawing.
Public methodAddPoint
Adds a new point to the current drawing.
Public methodAddPolygon
Adds a new regular polygon inscribed in a circle to the current drawing with center, radius and rotation.
Public methodCode exampleAddPolyline
Adds a new polyline to the current drawing.
Public methodAddRadialDimension(Arc, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new radial dimension to the current drawing giving the reference arc.
Public methodAddRadialDimension(Circle, Vector3, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new radial dimension to the current drawing giving the reference circle.
Public methodAddRadialDimension(Arc, Double, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new radial dimension to the current drawing giving the reference arc.
Public methodAddRadialDimension(Circle, Double, Double, String, Int16, String, String)
Adds a new radial dimension to the current drawing giving the reference circle.
Public methodAddRay
Adds a new ray to the current drawing.
Public methodAddRectangle
Adds a new lightweight polyline that forms a rectangle.
Public methodAddSolid
Adds a new solid to the current drawing.
Public methodAddSpline
Adds a new spline to the current drawing.
Public methodAddText
Adds a new text to the current drawing.
Public methodAddTextStyle
Adds a new text style to the drawing.
Public methodAddTrace
Adds a new trace to the current drawing using current trace witdh.
Public methodAddView
Adds a new view to the drawing.
Public methodAddViewPort
Adds a new viewport to the drawing.
Public methodAddXLine
Adds a new contruction line to the current drawing.
Public methodArrayOfEntities(IEnumerableEntityObject, Vector2, Vector2, Int32, Int32)
Creates copies of entities arranged in a regularly spaced rectangular pattern.
Public methodArrayOfEntities(IEnumerableEntityObject, Vector3, Vector3, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Creates copies of entities arranged in a regularly spaced 3D pattern.
Public methodChamfer
Chamfers the edges of two objects.
Public methodClear
Clears graphics in the control.
Public methodClearDrawnElements
Clears elements added with the Draw methods.
Public methodContour
Find the contour among a list of entities from an entity of the list.
Public methodCoordsToWorld
Converts pixels coordinates to drawing's coordinates.
Public methodDefaultColorScheme
Use the default color scheme for the control.
Public methodDisplayPredefinedView
Displays the drawing with predefined mode.
Public methodDisplayView
Retreives the drawing view specified by ViewName parameter.
Public methodDrawArc
Draws an arc on the control.
Public methodDrawCircle
Draws a circle on the control.
Public methodDrawEntity
Draws a single entity without refreshing the whole drawing.
Public methodDrawImage(Image, ListEntityObject, ListEntityObject, Int16, Boolean)
Draws an image on the control.
Public methodDrawImage(Image, Vector2, Single, Single, Single, Int16, Boolean)
Draws an image on the control.
Public methodDrawLine
Draws a line on the control.
Public methodDrawPoint
Draws a point on the control.
Public methodDrawPolygon
Draws a polygon on the control.
Public methodDrawText(Pen, String, Vector2, Double, Double, FontStyle, TextAlignment, Boolean)
Draws a text on the control.
Public methodDrawText(Pen, String, Vector2, Double, Double, FontStyle, StringAlignment, Boolean)
Draws a text on the control.
Public methodEntitiesToLwPolylines
Groups a list of Lines, Arcs and polylines into lwpolylines.
Public methodExtend
Extends an entity.
Public methodFillet
Rounds and fillets the edges of objects.
Public methodGetEntities
Returns a list of entity objects contained in a rectangle.
Public methodGetEntity(Vector2)
Returns the nearest entity to position.
Public methodGetEntity(ListEntityObject, Vector2)
Returns the nearest entity among a list of entities to position.
Public methodHighLight(EntityObject)
Highlights an entity.
Public methodHighLight(ListEntityObject)
Highlights a list of entities.
Public methodJoin
Joins two entities.
Public methodLightColorScheme
Use the light color scheme for the control.
Public methodNewDrawing
Creates a new drawing deleting every drawing classes.
Public methodNormalizeEntities
Projects a list of entities on XY plane against normal vector.
Public methodOffset
Offsets an entity.
Public methodOrbit
Orbiting about a direction.
Public methodCode examplePan
Pans the drawing of a distance indicated by the StartPoint-EndPoint segment.
Public methodPixelToWorld
Converts pixels size to drawing's units.
Public methodPlot
Plots the drawing using the default printer.
Public methodPlotPreview
Displays the plot preview on a PrintPreviewControl.
Public methodPolarArrayOfEntities
Creates copies of entities arranged in a regularly spaced circular pattern.
Public methodReadDXF
Reads and displays the DXF file indicated by the FileName property or by the DXFFileName parameter.
Public methodReadHatchPatternsFromFile
Returns a list of pattern objects from the definitions in a pat file.
Public methodReadNC1
Reads a Numerical Control Mastercam File and shows it.
Public methodReadOBJ
Read a Wavefront .obj file and add its data to the current drawing.
Public methodRecoverDXFFile
Tries to recover a damged DXF file indicated by the DXFFileName parameter.
Public methodRegisterComponent
Displays the Registration Window.
Public methodSetLimits
Sets the drawing limits.
Public methodShowDimStyles
Shows the default dimension styles dialog for the control.
Public methodShowDrawingInfo
Shows the default drawing info dialog.
Public methodShowDrawingInfo(IEnumerableEntityObject)
Shows the default entities info dialog.
Public methodShowDrawingUnits
Shows the default drawing untis dialog.
Public methodShowLayers
Shows the default layers dialog for the control.
Public methodCode exampleShowPalette
Shows the default Palette dialog for the control.
Public methodShowProperties(Object)
Shows all properties of a generic object with a modal form.
Public methodShowProperties(String)
Shows all properties of an object by its handle with a modal form.
Public methodShowRubberBandAlignedDimension(Line, Vector2, NullableColor, RubberBandType)
Shows the distance specified by referenc line as a rubber band aligned dimension.
Public methodShowRubberBandAlignedDimension(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, NullableColor, RubberBandType)
Shows the distance specified by the StartPoint and EndPoint parameters as a rubber band aligned dimension.
Public methodShowRubberBandAngularDimension
Shows the angle specified by the center point, radius, start angle and end angle parameters af an arc as a rubber band angular dimension.
Public methodShowRubberBandArc
Shows the arc specified by the center point, radius, start angle and end angle parameters as a rubber band arc.
Public methodShowRubberBandBox(Vector2, Vector2, NullableColor, RubberBandType)
Shows the rectangle specified by the StartPoint and EndPoint parameters as a rubber band rectangle.
Public methodShowRubberBandBox(Vector2, Double, Double, NullableColor, RubberBandType)
Shows the rectangle specified by the Position, Width and Height parameters as a rubber band rectangle.
Public methodShowRubberBandCircle
Shows the circle specified by the CenterPoint and Radius parameters as a rubber band circle.
Public methodShowRubberBandEntities
Shows the entities specified by Entities parameter as a rubber band group of entities.
Public methodCode exampleShowRubberBandLine
Shows the distance specified by the StartPoint and EndPoint parameters as a rubber band line.
Public methodShowRubberBandLinearDimension(Line, Vector2, Double, NullableColor, RubberBandType)
Shows the distance specified by referenc line as a rubber band linear dimension.
Public methodShowRubberBandLinearDimension(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Double, NullableColor, RubberBandType)
Shows the distance specified by the StartPoint and EndPoint parameters as a rubber band linear dimension.
Public methodShowRubberBandPolygon
Shows the polygon specified by the Points parameter as a rubber band polygon.
Public methodSplitIntoParts
Generates a list of new DXF documents, each containing individual parts of the specified entities enclosed in closed sections.
Public methodTrim(EntityObject, EntityObject, Vector2)
Trims an entity.
Public methodTrim(ListEntityObject, EntityObject, Vector2)
Trims an entity.
Public methodWorldToCoords
Converts drawing's coordinates to pixels coordinates.
Public methodWriteDXF
Writes the current drawing on a DXF file on disk.
Public methodZoomCenter
Zooms to the center of display window.
Public methodZoomExtents
Zooms to the full drawing extents.
Public methodZoomIn
Zooms in a drawing by scale factor specified in the ZoomInOutPercent property from the center point of the drawing.
Public methodZoomLimits
Zooms a drawing to the full limits.
Public methodZoomNext
Zooms to the next view.
Public methodZoomOut
Zooms out a drawing by scale factor specified in the ZoomInOutPercent property from the center point of the drawing.
Public methodZoomPrevious
Zooms to the preceding view.
Public methodZoomSpotIn
Zooms in a drawing by scale factor specified in the ZoomInOutPercent property from the position.
Public methodZoomSpotOut
Zooms out a drawing by scale factor specified in the ZoomInOutPercent property from the position.
Public methodZoomWindow
Zooms a drawing to the window specified by the StartPoint and EndPoint parameters.
See Also