MathHelper Class |
Namespace: DXFReaderNET
The MathHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
MathHelper | Initializes a new instance of the MathHelper class |
Name | Description | |
Angle2Points(Vector2, Vector2) |
Obtains the angle between two points.
| |
Angle2Points(Vector3, Vector3) |
Obtains the angle between two points.
| |
ArbitraryAxis |
Gets the rotation matrix from the normal vector (extrusion direction) of an entity.
| |
ArcAnglesFrom3Points |
Returns the start angle and the end angle of a arc specifing start point, end point and a point on it.
| |
BulgeArea |
Returns the bulge area.
| |
BulgeLenght |
Returns the bulge lenght.
| |
BulgeParam |
Returns the bulge parameters like center, radius, etc.
| |
CircleCenterFrom3Points |
Returns the center point of a arc/circle passing for three points.
| |
ClockwisePolygon |
Determines the points of polygon are in clockwise order.
| |
ClosedLoop |
Checks if a list of entites are a closed loop.
| |
CoincidentEntities |
Finds the coincident entities of a list of entities.
The list of entities. | |
DistanceFromArc |
Returns the distance of a point from an arc.
| |
EntitiesExtensions |
Find the extensions of a group of entities.
| |
EntitiesInsideEntities |
Checks if a list of entities is full contained in another list of entities.
| |
EntitiesOutsidePoint |
Identify the entities that form a closed loop surrounding a given point from a list of entities.
| |
EntitiesToPolygon |
Returns a list of vectors of given entites.
| |
EntityInsideEntities |
Checks if an entity is contained in a list of entities representing a closed contour.
| |
EntityInsideEntity |
Checks if an entity is contained in another entity.
| |
EntityInsidePolygon |
Checks if an entity is contained in a list of vectors representing a polygon.
| |
EntityOutsidePoint |
Find the entity surrounding a given point from a list of entities.
| |
ExternalContour |
Find the external contour of a group of entities.
| |
FindArcArcIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of two arcs.
| |
FindArcCircleIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of an arc and a circle.
| |
FindCircleCircleIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of two circles.
| |
FindClosedAreaData |
Finds the data of a closed area formed of given entites.
| |
FindIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) |
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
| |
FindIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Double) |
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
| |
FindIntersections |
Find intersection points between two entities.
| |
FindLineArcIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of a line and an arc.
| |
FindLineCircleIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of a line and a circle.
| |
FindLineLineIntersection |
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
| |
FindLoops |
Finds single loops among a list of entities.
| |
FindMinimumAreaBoundingRectangle |
Finds the minimum area bounding rectangle for a given collection of entities.
| |
FindParts |
Finds single parts among a list of entities.
| |
FootPerpendicular |
Find the foot of a perpendicular.
| |
IntersectionPoints |
Find intersection points of a group of entities.
| |
IsEqual(Double, Double) |
Checks if a number is equal to another.
| |
IsEqual(Double, Double, Double) |
Checks if a number is equal to another.
| |
IsOne(Double) |
Checks if a number is close to one.
| |
IsOne(Double, Double) |
Checks if a number is close to one.
| |
IsZero(Double) |
Checks if a number is close to zero.
| |
IsZero(Double, Double) |
Checks if a number is close to zero.
| |
NearestPointToArc |
Finds the nearest point on arc to a given point.
| |
NearestPointToCircle |
Finds the nearest point on circle to a given point.
| |
NormalizeAngle |
Normalizes the value of an angle in degrees between [0, 360[.
| |
NormalizePolyline |
Normalizes a polyline or a lightweight polyline entity.
| |
NotConnectedEntities |
Returns a list of not connected entities among a list of entities.
| |
NotConnectedPoints |
Checks if in a group of entities there are not connected points.
| |
PointBelongsToEllipse |
Determines if the given point is on the ellipse contour.
| |
PointInPolygon(EntityObject, Vector2) |
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon defined by an entity.
| |
PointInPolygon(IEnumerableEntityObject, Vector2) |
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon defined by a list of entities.
| |
PointInPolygon(ListVector2, Vector2) |
Checks if a point is contained in a list of vectors representing a polygon.
| |
PointInPolygon(Vector2, Vector2) |
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon.
| |
PointInRectangle |
Checks if a point is inside a rectangle.
| |
PointInSegment |
Checks if a point is inside a line segment.
| |
PointOnArcSegment |
Checks if a point is inside an arc segment.
| |
PointOnLineSegment |
Checks if a point is inside a line segment.
| |
PointsOnArc |
Determines if a group of 2D vertices belong to an arc. If the vertices do form an arc, the method calculates and returns the center, radius, start angle, and end angle of the arc.
| |
PointsOnLine |
Determines if a group of 2D vertices belong to a line.
| |
PolygonArea |
Returns the area value of a polygon.
| |
PolygonCenter |
Determines the center of a polygon.
| |
PolygonInPolygon |
Checks if a polygon is full contained in a polygon.
| |
PolygonLenght |
Returns the lenght value of a polygon.
| |
RotateAboutAxis |
Rotate given vector of angle in radians about a specified axis.
| |
Round |
Rounds a double-precision floating-point value accordind the epsilon property.
| |
RoundToNearest |
Round off a numeric value to the nearest of another value.
| |
SortLineArcEntities |
Sorts a list of arc and lines.
| |
Transform(IEnumerableVector2, Double, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) |
Transforms a point list between coordinate systems.
| |
Transform(IEnumerableVector3, Vector3, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) |
Transforms a point list between coordinate systems.
| |
Transform(Vector2, Double, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) |
Transforms a point between coordinate systems.
| |
Transform(Vector3, Vector3, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) |
Transforms a point between coordinate systems.
| |
TriangleArea |
Calculates area of a triangle.
| |
ZeroLenghtEntities |
Returns a list of zero lenght entities among a list of entities.
Name | Description | |
DegToGrad |
Constant to transform an angle between degrees and gradians.
| |
DegToRad |
Constant to transform an angle between degrees and radians.
| |
GradToDeg |
Constant to transform an angle between degrees and gradians.
| |
HalfPI |
PI/2 (90 degrees)
| |
PI |
PI (180 degrees)
| |
RadToDeg |
Constant to transform an angle between degrees and radians.
| |
ThreeHalfPI |
3*PI/2 (270 degrees)
| |
TwoPI |
2*PI (360 degrees)