MathHelper Methods |
The MathHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Angle2Points(Vector2, Vector2) |
Obtains the angle between two points.
| |
Angle2Points(Vector3, Vector3) |
Obtains the angle between two points.
| |
ArbitraryAxis |
Gets the rotation matrix from the normal vector (extrusion direction) of an entity.
| |
ArcAnglesFrom3Points |
Returns the start angle and the end angle of a arc specifing start point, end point and a point on it.
| |
BulgeArea |
Returns the bulge area.
| |
BulgeLenght |
Returns the bulge lenght.
| |
BulgeParam |
Returns the bulge parameters like center, radius, etc.
| |
CircleCenterFrom3Points |
Returns the center point of a arc/circle passing for three points.
| |
ClockwisePolygon |
Determines the points of polygon are in clockwise order.
| |
ClosedLoop |
Checks if a list of entites are a closed loop.
| |
CoincidentEntities |
Finds the coincident entities of a drawing.
| |
DistanceFromArc |
Returns the distance of a point from an arc.
| |
EntitiesExtensions |
Find the extensions of a group of entities.
| |
EntitiesInsideEntities |
Checks if a list of entities is full contained in another list of entities.
| |
EntitiesOutsidePoint |
Identify the entities that form a closed loop surrounding a given point from a list of entities.
| |
EntitiesToPolygon |
Returns a list of vectors of given entites.
| |
EntityInsideEntities |
Checks if an entity is contained in a list of entities representing a closed contour.
| |
EntityInsideEntity |
Checks if an entity is contained in another entity.
| |
EntityInsidePolygon |
Checks if an entity is contained in a list of vectors representing a polygon.
| |
EntityOutsidePoint |
Find the entity surrounding a given point from a list of entities.
| |
ExternalContour |
Find the external contour of a group of entities.
| |
FindArcArcIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of two arcs.
| |
FindArcCircleIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of an arc and a circle.
| |
FindCircleCircleIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of two circles.
| |
FindClosedAreaData |
Finds the data of a closed area formed of given entites.
| |
FindIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) |
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
| |
FindIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Double) |
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
| |
FindIntersections |
Find intersection points between two entities.
| |
FindLineArcIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of a line and an arc.
| |
FindLineCircleIntersections |
Calculates the intersection points of a line and a circle.
| |
FindLineLineIntersection |
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
| |
FindLoops |
Finds single loops among a list of entities.
| |
FindMinimumAreaBoundingRectangle |
Finds the minimum area bounding rectangle for a given collection of entities.
| |
FindParts |
Finds single parts among a list of entities.
| |
FootPerpendicular |
Find the foot of a perpendicular.
| |
IntersectionPoints |
Find intersection points of a group of entities.
| |
IsEqual(Double, Double) |
Checks if a number is equal to another.
| |
IsEqual(Double, Double, Double) |
Checks if a number is equal to another.
| |
IsOne(Double) |
Checks if a number is close to one.
| |
IsOne(Double, Double) |
Checks if a number is close to one.
| |
IsZero(Double) |
Checks if a number is close to zero.
| |
IsZero(Double, Double) |
Checks if a number is close to zero.
| |
NearestPointToArc |
Finds the nearest point on arc to a given point.
| |
NearestPointToCircle |
Finds the nearest point on circle to a given point.
| |
NormalizeAngle |
Normalizes the value of an angle in degrees between [0, 360[.
| |
NotConnectedEntities |
Returns a list of not connected entities among a list of entities.
| |
NotConnectedPoints |
Checks if in a group of entities there are not connected points.
| |
PointBelongsToEllipse |
Determines if the given point is on the ellipse contour.
| |
PointInPolygon(EntityObject, Vector2) |
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon defined by an entity.
| |
PointInPolygon(IEnumerableEntityObject, Vector2) |
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon defined by a list of entities.
| |
PointInPolygon(ListVector2, Vector2) |
Checks if a point is contained in a list of vectors representing a polygon.
| |
PointInPolygon(Vector2, Vector2) |
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon.
| |
PointInRectangle |
Checks if a point is inside a rectangle.
| |
PointInSegment |
Checks if a point is inside a line segment.
| |
PointOnArcSegment |
Checks if a point is inside an arc segment.
| |
PointOnLineSegment |
Checks if a point is inside a line segment.
| |
PolygonArea |
Returns the area value of a polygon.
| |
PolygonCenter |
Determines the center of a polygon.
| |
PolygonInPolygon |
Checks if a polygon is full contained in a polygon.
| |
PolygonLenght |
Returns the lenght value of a polygon.
| |
RotateAboutAxis |
Rotate given vector of angle in radians about a specified axis.
| |
Round |
Rounds a double-precision floating-point value accordind the epsilon property.
| |
RoundToNearest |
Round off a numeric value to the nearest of another value.
| |
SortLineArcEntities |
Sorts a list of arc and lines.
| |
Transform(IEnumerableVector2, Double, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) |
Transforms a point list between coordinate systems.
| |
Transform(IEnumerableVector3, Vector3, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) |
Transforms a point list between coordinate systems.
| |
Transform(Vector2, Double, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) |
Transforms a point between coordinate systems.
| |
Transform(Vector3, Vector3, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) |
Transforms a point between coordinate systems.
| |
TriangleArea |
Calculates area of a triangle.
| |
ZeroLenghtEntities |
Returns a list of zero lenght entities among a list of entities.