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MathHelper Methods

The MathHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAngle2Points(Vector2, Vector2)
Obtains the angle between two points.
Public methodStatic memberAngle2Points(Vector3, Vector3)
Obtains the angle between two points.
Public methodStatic memberArbitraryAxis
Gets the rotation matrix from the normal vector (extrusion direction) of an entity.
Public methodStatic memberArcAnglesFrom3Points
Returns the start angle and the end angle of a arc specifing start point, end point and a point on it.
Public methodStatic memberBulgeArea
Returns the bulge area.
Public methodStatic memberBulgeLenght
Returns the bulge lenght.
Public methodStatic memberBulgeParam
Returns the bulge parameters like center, radius, etc.
Public methodStatic memberCircleCenterFrom3Points
Returns the center point of a arc/circle passing for three points.
Public methodStatic memberClockwisePolygon
Determines the points of polygon are in clockwise order.
Public methodStatic memberClosedLoop
Checks if a list of entites are a closed loop.
Public methodStatic memberCoincidentEntities
Finds the coincident entities of a list of entities. The list of entities.
Public methodStatic memberDistanceFromArc
Returns the distance of a point from an arc.
Public methodStatic memberEntitiesExtensions
Find the extensions of a group of entities.
Public methodStatic memberEntitiesInsideEntities
Checks if a list of entities is full contained in another list of entities.
Public methodStatic memberEntitiesOutsidePoint
Identify the entities that form a closed loop surrounding a given point from a list of entities.
Public methodStatic memberEntitiesToPolygon
Returns a list of vectors of given entites.
Public methodStatic memberEntityInsideEntities
Checks if an entity is contained in a list of entities representing a closed contour.
Public methodStatic memberEntityInsideEntity
Checks if an entity is contained in another entity.
Public methodStatic memberEntityInsidePolygon
Checks if an entity is contained in a list of vectors representing a polygon.
Public methodStatic memberEntityOutsidePoint
Find the entity surrounding a given point from a list of entities.
Public methodStatic memberExternalContour
Find the external contour of a group of entities.
Public methodStatic memberFindArcArcIntersections
Calculates the intersection points of two arcs.
Public methodStatic memberFindArcCircleIntersections
Calculates the intersection points of an arc and a circle.
Public methodStatic memberFindCircleCircleIntersections
Calculates the intersection points of two circles.
Public methodStatic memberFindClosedAreaData
Finds the data of a closed area formed of given entites.
Public methodStatic memberFindIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2)
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
Public methodStatic memberFindIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Double)
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
Public methodStatic memberFindIntersections
Find intersection points between two entities.
Public methodStatic memberFindLineArcIntersections
Calculates the intersection points of a line and an arc.
Public methodStatic memberFindLineCircleIntersections
Calculates the intersection points of a line and a circle.
Public methodStatic memberFindLineLineIntersection
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
Public methodStatic memberFindLoops
Finds single loops among a list of entities.
Public methodStatic memberFindMinimumAreaBoundingRectangle
Finds the minimum area bounding rectangle for a given collection of entities.
Public methodStatic memberFindParts
Finds single parts among a list of entities.
Public methodStatic memberFootPerpendicular
Find the foot of a perpendicular.
Public methodStatic memberIntersectionPoints
Find intersection points of a group of entities.
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(Double, Double)
Checks if a number is equal to another.
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(Double, Double, Double)
Checks if a number is equal to another.
Public methodStatic memberIsOne(Double)
Checks if a number is close to one.
Public methodStatic memberIsOne(Double, Double)
Checks if a number is close to one.
Public methodStatic memberIsZero(Double)
Checks if a number is close to zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsZero(Double, Double)
Checks if a number is close to zero.
Public methodStatic memberNearestPointToArc
Finds the nearest point on arc to a given point.
Public methodStatic memberNearestPointToCircle
Finds the nearest point on circle to a given point.
Public methodStatic memberNormalizeAngle
Normalizes the value of an angle in degrees between [0, 360[.
Public methodStatic memberNormalizePolyline
Normalizes a polyline or a lightweight polyline entity.
Public methodStatic memberNotConnectedEntities
Returns a list of not connected entities among a list of entities.
Public methodStatic memberNotConnectedPoints
Checks if in a group of entities there are not connected points.
Public methodStatic memberPointBelongsToEllipse
Determines if the given point is on the ellipse contour.
Public methodStatic memberPointInPolygon(EntityObject, Vector2)
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon defined by an entity.
Public methodStatic memberPointInPolygon(IEnumerableEntityObject, Vector2)
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon defined by a list of entities.
Public methodStatic memberPointInPolygon(ListVector2, Vector2)
Checks if a point is contained in a list of vectors representing a polygon.
Public methodStatic memberPointInPolygon(Vector2, Vector2)
Determines if the given point is inside the polygon.
Public methodStatic memberPointInRectangle
Checks if a point is inside a rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberPointInSegment
Checks if a point is inside a line segment.
Public methodStatic memberPointOnArcSegment
Checks if a point is inside an arc segment.
Public methodStatic memberPointOnLineSegment
Checks if a point is inside a line segment.
Public methodStatic memberPointsOnArc
Determines if a group of 2D vertices belong to an arc. If the vertices do form an arc, the method calculates and returns the center, radius, start angle, and end angle of the arc.
Public methodStatic memberPointsOnLine
Determines if a group of 2D vertices belong to a line.
Public methodStatic memberPolygonArea
Returns the area value of a polygon.
Public methodStatic memberPolygonCenter
Determines the center of a polygon.
Public methodStatic memberPolygonInPolygon
Checks if a polygon is full contained in a polygon.
Public methodStatic memberPolygonLenght
Returns the lenght value of a polygon.
Public methodStatic memberRotateAboutAxis
Rotate given vector of angle in radians about a specified axis.
Public methodStatic memberRound
Rounds a double-precision floating-point value accordind the epsilon property.
Public methodStatic memberRoundToNearest
Round off a numeric value to the nearest of another value.
Public methodStatic memberSortLineArcEntities
Sorts a list of arc and lines.
Public methodStatic memberTransform(IEnumerableVector2, Double, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem)
Transforms a point list between coordinate systems.
Public methodStatic memberTransform(IEnumerableVector3, Vector3, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem)
Transforms a point list between coordinate systems.
Public methodStatic memberTransform(Vector2, Double, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem)
Transforms a point between coordinate systems.
Public methodStatic memberTransform(Vector3, Vector3, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem)
Transforms a point between coordinate systems.
Public methodStatic memberTriangleArea
Calculates area of a triangle.
Public methodStatic memberZeroLenghtEntities
Returns a list of zero lenght entities among a list of entities.
See Also