DxfDocument Class |
Namespace: DXFReaderNET
The DxfDocument type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DxfDocument |
Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.
| |
DxfDocument(DxfVersion) |
Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.
| |
DxfDocument(HeaderVariables) |
Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.
Name | Description | |
AcadProxyEntities |
Gets the acad proxy entities list.
| |
AcadTables |
Gets the texts list.
| |
AcdsRecords |
Gets the acds records list.
| |
AcdsSchemas |
Gets the acds schemas list.
| |
ActiveLayout |
Gets or sets the name of the active layout.
| |
ApplicationRegistries |
Gets the application registries collection.
| |
Arcs |
Gets the arcs list.
| |
AttributeDefinitions |
Gets the attribute definitions list.
| |
BlockRecords |
Gets the block records collection.
| |
Blocks |
Gets the block collection.
| |
Bodies |
Gets the bodies list.
| |
Circles |
Gets the circles list.
| |
Classes |
Gets the classes collection.
| |
CodeName |
Gets the dxf entity type string.
(Inherited from DxfObject.) | |
Comments |
Gets or sets DXF file comment lines.
| |
CurrentColor |
Returns/sets the current entity color number: 0 = ByBlock; 256 = ByLayer.
| |
CurrentElevation |
Returns/sets the current entity thickness.
| |
CurrentLayer |
Returns/sets the current layer name.
| |
CurrentLineTypeName |
Returns/sets the current line type name.
| |
CurrentLineTypeScale |
Returns/sets the current entity linetype scale.
| |
CurrentTextSize |
Returns/sets the default text height.
| |
CurrentTextStyle |
Returns/sets the current layer name.
| |
CurrentThickness |
Returns/sets the current entity thickness.
| |
DateCreated |
Returns/sets the date/time of drawing creation.
| |
DateLastEdited |
Returns/sets the date/time of last drawing update.
| |
Dimensions |
Gets the dimensions list.
| |
DimensionStyles |
Gets the dimension style collection.
| |
DrawingVariables |
Gets the dxf drawing variables.
| |
Ellipses |
Gets the ellipses list.
| |
Entities |
Gets all entities list of the active layout.
| |
Faces3d |
Gets the 3d faces list.
| |
Groups |
Gets the groups collection.
| |
Handle |
Gets the handle assigned to the dxf object.
(Inherited from DxfObject.) | |
Hatches |
Gets the hatches list.
| |
Helixes |
Gets the helixes list.
| |
ImageDefinitions |
Gets the image definitions collection.
| |
Images |
Gets the images list.
| |
Inserts |
Gets the inserts list.
| |
IsBinary |
Returns/sets if the DXF file is in binary form.
| |
Layers |
Gets the layers collection.
| |
Layouts |
Gets the layouts collection.
| |
Leaders |
Gets the leader list.
| |
Lines |
Gets the lines list.
| |
Linetypes |
Gets the line type collection.
| |
LwPolylines |
Gets the light weight polylines list.
| |
Meshes |
Gets the mesh list.
| |
MLines |
Gets the multilines list.
| |
MlineStyles |
Gets the MLine styles collection.
| |
Modified |
Gets or sets if the document has been modified.
| |
MTexts |
Gets the multiline texts list.
| |
Name |
Gets or sets the name of the document.
| |
Ole2Frames |
Gets the Ole2Frames list.
| |
OleFrames |
Gets the OleFrames list.
| |
Owner |
Gets the owner of the actual dxf object.
(Inherited from DxfObject.) | |
Points |
Gets the points list.
| |
PolyfaceMeshes |
Gets the polyface meshes list.
| |
Polylines |
Gets the polylines list.
| |
RasterVariables |
Gets or sets the raster variables applied to image entities.
| |
Rays |
Gets the rays list.
| |
Regions |
Gets the regions list.
| |
SelectedEntities |
Gets the selected entities list entities list.
| |
Solids |
Gets the solids list.
| |
Solids3D |
Gets the solids3D list.
| |
SortentsTables | ||
Splines |
Gets the splines list.
| |
Surfaces |
Gets the surfaces list.
| |
Texts |
Gets the texts list.
| |
TextStyles |
Gets the text style collection.
| |
ThumbnailImage |
Gets or sets the thumbnail image of the drawing.
| |
Tolerances |
Gets the tolerance list.
| |
TotalEditTime |
Returns/sets the cumulative editing time for the drawing.
| |
TotalEditTimeDays |
Returns/sets the cumulative editing days for the drawing.
| |
Traces |
Gets the traces list.
| |
UCSs |
Gets the User coordinate system collection.
| |
UnderlayDgnDefinitions |
Gets the dgn underlay definitions collection.
| |
UnderlayDwfDefinitions |
Gets the dwf underlay definitions collection.
| |
UnderlayPdfDefinitions |
Gets the pdf underlay definitions collection.
| |
Underlays |
Gets the underlay list.
| |
UserTimer |
Returns/sets the user elapsed time.
| |
UserTimerDays |
Returns/sets user elapsed days.
| |
Viewport |
Gets the document viewport.
| |
Viewports |
Gets the viewports list.
| |
Views |
Gets the views collection.
| |
VPorts |
Gets the viewports collection.
| |
Wipeouts |
Gets the wipeouts list.
| |
XLines |
Gets the extension lines list.
Name | Description | |
AddEntities |
Adds a list of entities to the document.
| |
AddEntity |
Adds an entity to the document.
| |
FromString |
Returns a DxfDocument from a string containing a DXF file.
| |
GetEntityByHandle |
Gets a dxf entity by its handle.
| |
GetObjectByHandle |
Gets a dxf object by its handle.
| |
Load(Stream) |
Loads a dxf file.
| |
Load(String) |
Loads a dxf file.
| |
ModifyEntities(ListEntityObject, NullableVector2, NullableVector2, Double, Double, NullableInt16, String, String) |
Modifies the position, rotation and scaling of a list of entities in 2D.
| |
ModifyEntities(ListEntityObject, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableInt16, String, String) |
Modifies the position, rotation and scaling of a list of entities.
| |
ModifyEntity(EntityObject, NullableVector2, NullableVector2, Double, Double, NullableInt16, String, String) |
Modifies the position, rotation and scaling of an entity in 2D.
| |
ModifyEntity(EntityObject, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableInt16, String, String) |
Modifies the position, rotation and scaling of an entity.
| |
RemoveBlock |
Removes a block from the document.
| |
RemoveEntities |
Removes a list of entities from the document.
| |
RemoveEntity |
Removes an entity from the document.
| |
RemoveObject(String) |
Removes an object from the document by handle.
| |
RemoveObject(String) |
Removes all document objects which handles ar listed in Handles array.
| |
RotateEntitiesAboutAxis |
Rotate a list of entities about an arbitrary axis.
| |
RotateEntityAboutAxis |
Rotate an entity about an arbitrary axis.
| |
Save(Stream) |
Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a text stream.
| |
Save(String) |
Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a text dxf file.
| |
Save(Stream, Boolean) |
Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a stream.
| |
Save(String, Boolean) |
Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a dxf file.
| |
ToFormattedAngle |
Returns a string representing an angle in radians formatted according to angle units format.
| |
ToFormattedUnit |
Returns a string representing a number formatted according to linear units format.
| |
ToString |
Obtains a string containing the dxf file.
(Overrides DxfObjectToString.) |
[C#] DxfDocument dxf1 = new DxfDocument(); DxfDocument dxf2 = new DxfDocument(); dxf1 = dxf1.Load("SuperQuadric1.dxf"); dxf2 = dxf2.Load("SuperQuadric2.dxf"); dxf1.AddEntities(new List<EntityObject>(dxf2.Entities)); dxf1.Save("SuperQuadricMerge.dxf");
[Visual Basic] Dim dxf1 As New DxfDocument() Dim dxf2 As New DxfDocument() dxf1 = dxf1.Load("SuperQuadric1.dxf") dxf2 = dxf2.Load("SuperQuadric2.dxf") dxf1.AddEntities(New List(Of EntityObject)(dxf2.Entities)) dxf1.Save("SuperQuadricMerge.dxf")