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DxfDocument Methods

The DxfDocument type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddEntities
Adds a list of entities to the document.
Public methodAddEntity
Adds an entity to the document.
Public methodFromString
Returns a DxfDocument from a string containing a DXF file.
Public methodGetEntityByHandle
Gets a dxf entity by its handle.
Public methodGetObjectByHandle
Gets a dxf object by its handle.
Public methodCode exampleLoad(Stream)
Loads a dxf file.
Public methodLoad(String)
Loads a dxf file.
Public methodModifyEntities(ListEntityObject, NullableVector2, NullableVector2, Double, Double, NullableInt16, String, String)
Modifies the position, rotation and scaling of a list of entities in 2D.
Public methodModifyEntities(ListEntityObject, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableInt16, String, String)
Modifies the position, rotation and scaling of a list of entities.
Public methodModifyEntity(EntityObject, NullableVector2, NullableVector2, Double, Double, NullableInt16, String, String)
Modifies the position, rotation and scaling of an entity in 2D.
Public methodModifyEntity(EntityObject, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableVector3, NullableInt16, String, String)
Modifies the position, rotation and scaling of an entity.
Public methodRemoveBlock
Removes a block from the document.
Public methodCode exampleRemoveEntities
Removes a list of entities from the document.
Public methodRemoveEntity
Removes an entity from the document.
Public methodRemoveObject(String)
Removes an object from the document by handle.
Public methodRemoveObject(String)
Removes all document objects which handles ar listed in Handles array.
Public methodRotateEntitiesAboutAxis
Rotate a list of entities about an arbitrary axis.
Public methodRotateEntityAboutAxis
Rotate an entity about an arbitrary axis.
Public methodSave(Stream)
Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a text stream.
Public methodSave(String)
Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a text dxf file.
Public methodSave(Stream, Boolean)
Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a stream.
Public methodSave(String, Boolean)
Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a dxf file.
Public methodToFormattedAngle
Returns a string representing an angle in radians formatted according to angle units format.
Public methodToFormattedUnit
Returns a string representing a number formatted according to linear units format.
Public methodToString
Obtains a string containing the dxf file.
(Overrides DxfObjectToString.)
See Also