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Matrix Properties

The Matrix type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberIdentity
Gets the identity matrix.
Public propertyM11
Gets or sets the matrix element [0,0].
Public propertyM12
Gets or sets the matrix element [0,1].
Public propertyM13
Gets or sets the matrix element [0,2].
Public propertyM21
Gets or sets the matrix element [1,0].
Public propertyM22
Gets or sets the matrix element [1,1].
Public propertyM23
Gets or sets the matrix element [1,2].
Public propertyM31
Gets or sets the matrix element [2,0].
Public propertyM32
Gets or sets the matrix element [2,1].
Public propertyM33
Gets or sets the matrix element [2,2].
Public propertyStatic memberZero
Gets the zero matrix.
See Also