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HeaderVariables Properties

The HeaderVariables type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcadVer
The AutoCAD drawing database version number.
Public propertyAngbase
Angle 0 base.
Public propertyAngdir
The angle direction.
Public propertyAttMode
Attribute visibility.
Public propertyAUnits
Units format for angles.
Public propertyAUprec
Units precision for angles.
Public propertyCeColor
Current entity color.
Public propertyCeLtScale
Current entity line type scale.
Public propertyCeLtype
Current entity line type name.
Public propertyCeLweight
Current entity line weight.
Public propertyCEPSNID
Plotstyle handle of new objects; if CEPSNTYPE is 3, then this value indicates the handle.
Public propertyCEPSNTYPE
Plot style type of new objects.
Public propertyCHAMFERA
First chamfer distance.
Public propertyCHAMFERB
Second chamfer distance.
Public propertyCHAMFERC
Chamfer length.
Public propertyCHAMFERD
Surface density (for PEDIT Smooth) in M direction.
Public propertyCLayer
Current layer name.
Public propertyCMLJust
Current multiline justification.
Public propertyCMLScale
Current multiline scale.
Public propertyCMLStyle
Current multiline style.
Public propertyCustomProperties
A dictionary containg the custom properties of a drawing.
Public propertyDimStyle
Current dimension style.
Public propertyDwgCodePage
Drawing code page; set to the system code page when a new drawing is created, but not otherwise maintained by AutoCAD.
Public propertyElevation
Current elevation set by ELEV command.
Public propertyExtMax
X, Y, and Z drawing extents upper-right corner (in WCS).
Public propertyExtMin
X, Y, and Z drawing extents lower-left corner (in WCS).
Public propertyExtnames
Controls symbol table naming.
Public propertyFilletRad
Fillet radius.
Set at creation time, uniquely identifies a particular drawing.
Public propertyHandleSeed
Next available handle.
Public propertyInsBase
insertion base point for the current drawing.
Public propertyInsUnits
Specifies a drawing units value for automatic scaling of blocks, images, or xRefs when inserted or attached to a drawing.
Public propertyLastSavedBy
User name that saved the file.
Public propertyLimMax
XY drawing limits upper-right corner (in WCS).
Public propertyLimMin
XY drawing limits lower-left corner (in WCS).
Public propertyLtScale
Global line type scale.
Public propertyLUnits
Units format for coordinates and distances.
Public propertyLUprec
Units precision for coordinates and distances.
Public propertyLwDisplay
Controls the display of line weights on the Model or Layout tab.
Public propertyOrthoMode
Ortho mode on if nonzero
Public propertyPdMode
Controls the shape to draw a point entity.
Public propertyPdSize
Controls the size of the point figures, except for PDMODE values 0 (Dot) and 1 (Empty).
Public propertyPElevation
Current paper space elevation.
Public propertyPExtMax
Maximum X, Y, and Z extents for paper space.
Public propertyPExtMin
Minimum X, Y, and Z extents for paper space.
Public propertyPInsBase
Paper space insertion base point
Public propertyPLimCheck
Limits checking in paper space when nonzero
Public propertyPLimMax
Maximum X and Y limits in paper space.
Public propertyPLimMin
Minimum X and Y limits in paper space.
Public propertyPLineGen
Governs the generation of line type patterns around the vertexes of a 2D polyline.
Public propertyPolylinewidth
Default polyline width.
Public propertyPsLtScale
Controls paper space line type scaling.
Public propertySURFU
Surface density (for PEDIT Smooth) in N direction.
Public propertySURFV
Chamfer angle.
Public propertyTdCreate
Local date/time of drawing creation.
Public propertyTdinDwg
Cumulative editing time for this drawing.
Public propertyTduCreate
Universal date/time the drawing was created.
Public propertyTdUpdate
Local date/time of last drawing update.
Public propertyTduUpdate
Universal date/time the drawing was created.
Public propertyTextSize
Default text height.
Public propertyTextStyle
Current text style.
Public propertyThickness
Current thickness set by ELEV command.
Public propertyTracewidth
Default trace width.
Public propertyUCorthoview
Orthographic view type of model space UCS: 0 = UCS is not orthographic; 1 = Top; 2 = Bottom; 3 = Front; 4 = Back; 5 = Left; 6 = Right
Public propertyUCSname
Name of current UCS
Public propertyUCSorg
Origin of current UCS (in WCS)
Public propertyUCSorgback
Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to BACK when UCSBASE is set to WORLD
Public propertyUCSorgbottom
Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to BOTTOM when UCSBASE is set to WORLD
Public propertyUCSorgfront
Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to FRONT when UCSBASE is set to WORLD
Public propertyUCSorgleft
Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to LEFT when UCSBASE is set to WORLD
Public propertyUCSorgright
Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to RIGHT when UCSBASE is set to WORLD
Public propertyUCSorgtop
Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to TOP when UCSBASE is set to WORLD
Public propertyUCSorthoref
If model space UCS is orthographic (UCSORTHOVIEW not equal to 0), this is the name of the UCS that the orthographic UCS is relative to.If blank, UCS is relative to WORLD
Public propertyUCSxDir
Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS)
Public propertyUCSyDir
Direction of the current UCS Y axis (in WCS)
Public propertyVERSIONGUID
Uniquely identifies a particular version of a drawing. Updated when the drawing is modified.
See Also