Case Studies

Generating pictures from DXF Files

Below is a sample C# code snippet that demonstrates how to generate bitmap images from DXF files using the DXFReaderNET library. This code provides a simple and effective way to convert DXF files into bitmap images, enabling you to visualize and work with CAD data in a rasterized format:


  DXFReaderNETControl _dxfControl;

            _dxfControl = new DXFReaderNETControl();

            _dxfControl.Width = 2000;
            _dxfControl.Height = 2000;

            _dxfControl.AntiAlias = false;
            _dxfControl.ShowAxes = false;
            _dxfControl.ShowGrid = false;
            _dxfControl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
            _dxfControl.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

            pictureBox1.Image = _dxfControl.Image;


Here's a breakdown of each line:

  1. DXFReaderNETControl _dxfControl;: Declares a variable _dxfControl of type DXFReaderNETControl, which is a control provided by the DXFReaderNET library.

  2. _dxfControl = new DXFReaderNETControl();: Instantiates a new instance of the DXFReaderNETControl control and assigns it to the _dxfControl variable.

  3. _dxfControl.ReadDXF(dxfReaderNETControl1.FileName);: Reads the contents of a DXF file specified by dxfReaderNETControl1.FileName and parses it using the _dxfControl instance.

  4. _dxfControl.Width = 2000;: Sets the width of the _dxfControl control to 2000 pixels.

  5. _dxfControl.Height = 2000;: Sets the height of the _dxfControl control to 2000 pixels.

  6. _dxfControl.AntiAlias = false;: Disables anti-aliasing for rendering, which can improve performance but may result in less smooth graphics.

  7. _dxfControl.ShowAxes = false;: Hides the display of axes (coordinate system) in the _dxfControl control.

  8. _dxfControl.ShowGrid = false;: Hides the display of the grid in the _dxfControl control.

  9. _dxfControl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;: Sets the background color of the _dxfControl control to white.

  10. _dxfControl.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;: Sets the foreground color (e.g., line color, text color) of the _dxfControl control to black.

  11. _dxfControl.ZoomCenter();: Zooms the view of the DXF drawing to center it within the _dxfControl control.

  12. pictureBox1.Image = _dxfControl.Image;: Assigns the image representation of the DXF drawing within the _dxfControl control to a PictureBox (pictureBox1 in this case) for display.

  13. _dxfControl.Dispose();: Disposes of the _dxfControl instance, releasing any resources it holds.

This code snippet demonstrates how to use the DXFReaderNETControl to load and display a DXF file within a C# application's PictureBox. The control provides various properties and methods to configure the display settings and interact with the DXF drawing.

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All samples, data, places and images in this section are only for tutorial scope. They are fictitious and may not correspond to real cases.

Any similarities to actual persons or places is merely coincidental.

To evaluate all code samples you need to download and install the DXFReader.NET Compoonent first.